Forge Functional Fitness UK : Membership Terms and Conditions : Company Address: Forge Functional Fitness, Station Road, S35 9TG
Promotional Offers:
You can join us either via a Introduction to CrossFit & HYROX with a 30 day trial OR a 10 day trial introduction to HYROX.
Both introductory offers automatically roll into a membership upon expiry of the trial.
Should you not wish to continue after the trial period (30 days for CrossFit & HYROX or 10 days for HYROX only) simply let us know on: by day 29 (CrossFit & HYROX) or day 9 (HYROX only) and no further payments will be taken.
Continuing membership
After your initial trial membership, you will revert to a full unlimited membership fee (please see current prices) – which will be pro rata’ed for month one, and subsequent payments will be due on the first of the month, billed in one-month increments. During your first 30 days you are on a 24 hour notice contract - after day 30, your notice period is 90 days. This only applies to new members, returning members enter on a 90 day notice period.
By signing up for a membership (adult or child) or a foundation package, Forge Fitness Personal Training you have agreed to a recurring monthly membership which renews on a rolling basis.
All personal training sessions require 24 hours cancelation to change the date, within 24 hours the cost remains.
The first membership subscription shall be due and payable upon purchase of a foundation course, PT plan, group classes, additional programming or monthly membership. Subsequent payment subscription shall be due on the first of the month, billed in one-month increments.
Memberships are paid in full at the start of each billing cycle.
Memberships are subject to change at any time with 30 days notice.
1. Foundation Course – After your initial four weeks of complimentary membership, you will revert to a full unlimited membership fee (please see current prices) – which will be pro rata’ed for month one, and subsequent payments will be due on the first of the month, billed in one-month increments. During your first 30 days you are on a 24 hour notice contract - after day 30, your notice period is 90 days. This only applies to new members, returning members enter on a 90 day notice period.
2. Payments – Payments are taken as a card payment monthly via Stripe or Direct Debit - on 1st April each year the cost increases by a minimum of 2.5%
2.1 Without prejudice to any other right or remedy we may have, if you fail to pay membership fees on the due date we may;
(i) Suspend all services until payment has been made in full
(ii) Where such sum has been outstanding for more than 28 days, engage a collections agency to recover the debt.
(iii) If payment of invoices is not received by its due date, we reserve the right to recover all and any costs, commissions, fees or disbursements incurred for the collection of the outstanding payment including those which may be incurred by using a debt collection agency, howsoever incurred.
3. Adult Membership Cancellation - Adult Memberships may be cancelled at any time with 90 days notice. Cancellations must be requested via email to: in order to be processed - No other forms of communication are accepted.
Children’s memberships are on a 30 day notice period.
3.2 If you choose to cancel your membership and then decide to rejoin it will be at the current prices and service offerings as seen on the Forge Functional Fitness website.
4. Membership Upgrades – To change your membership package, please email: stating which membership you would like to change to.
4.1 All membership options and personal training options can be requested at any point.
4.2 If you upgrade your membership you will be liable for the increase in fees
4.3 All membership downgrades need a minimum of a 5 working days notice before the next billing cycle.
5. Membership Transfer – You are unable to transfer your membership to another person.
6. Membership Holds – Memberships may be put on hold after recommendation from a registered GP following injury or pregnancy. Alternate reasons will require you to cancel your membership and rejoin at the membership prices at that time.
7. Class Sign Up - All members must sign up for class via Wodboard in order to attend. If you know you are unable to make a class at any time, please respect your fellow members and cancel your reservation to allow someone else to take the spot.
8. Refurbishment, Repair & Competitions
You acknowledge it may be necessary for us to close parts of or the whole gym from time to time to carry out refurbishments or repairs or host competitions and events.
9. Gym Etiquette and Conduct
9.1. You agree to not abuse the facility or equipment at the gym or Forge Fitness employees or any other member; and damage made to the property or equipment will be paid for by yourself.
9.2. If you bring your child/children to the gym please be aware that you are fully liable for the care and actions of that child.
10. Limitation of liability.
10.1 This condition sets out our entire financial liability (including any liability for the acts or omissions of employees, agents, consultants, and Subcontractors) to you in respect of
(i) Any breach of the Contract.
(ii) Any use made of the Services.
(iii) Any representation statement or tortuous act or omission (including negligence) arising under or in connection with the Contract.
10.2 All warranties, conditions and other terms implied by statute or common law are, to the fullest extent permitted by law, excluded from the Contract.
10.3 We shall not be liable for any Services offered by any third parties including Personal Trainers who are self-employed.
10.4 Nothing in these Conditions limits or excludes our liability:
(i) For death or personal injury resulting from negligence.
(ii) For any damage or liability, you incur as a result of fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.
10.5 Subject to the other provisions of this clause, we shall not be liable for any special, indirect, consequential or pure economic loss, costs, damages, charges or expenses.
10.6 Subject to the other provisions of this clause, our total liability in Contract, tort (including negligence or breach of statutory duty), misrepresentation, restitution or otherwise arising in connection with the performance, or contemplated performance, of the Contract, shall be limited to the charges that you have paid to us in the 12 month period preceding the date of the act or omission query giving rise to the claim.
10.7 Every occasion the Box (Gym) is used, Forge Functional Fitness, its employees, agents and subcontractors will not be liable for any loss, damage or theft of any property brought onto any of our premise.
10.8 The above limitations do not exclude the right of the member to recover any appropriate loss under the law having regard to the Unfair Contract terms Act 1977 and/or the Unfair
Contract terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999 or other relevant consumer legislation or at common law.
11.1 In the event of a pandemic where we are ordered to close our premises by the Government or in the event of a 14 day close down owing to isolation reasons all classes will transfer to an online or outdoor setting as determined by government guidelines.
Membership fees still apply and the notice period is still in effect.
12.1 We take the privacy of our members seriously. If you have any questions about how we use your personal information, please do not hesitate to contact our Owners at the Company Address.
12.2 We will endeavour to use whatever method of communication deemed appropriate to notify you of gym information in order to best serve your experience and assume that the information provided by you is correct and an acceptable method to provide you with this information.
12.3 We may use your personal information to provide and personalise the Services and to provide you with information about our similar products and Services that may be of interest to you. Our GDPR and privacy policy is available to view on our website
In consideration of the fee paid participant understands that there is a risk of personal injury in the course of instruction and, with this knowledge, agrees to assume the risk of any injury and damages to participant during the seminar.
Specifically, participant agrees to hold harmless Forge Fitness and all other individuals, organizations, sponsors, promoters, operators, hosts, instructors, associations, schools, owners, officials, directors, employees and other participants connected with the event from all losses, damages, injuries, causes of actions, claims, or complaints in the event that the participant is damaged or injured in any way during the participation, instruction and/or performance of any exercise or during any activity associated with the event location or during transit to or from the event.
Participant further agrees to strictly obey instructors and observe safety rules.
Because of the physical demands of CrossFit and bootcamp classes and/or use of the gym equipment participant understands that he/she must be in good physical condition to participate in the event. Participant understands that in case of injury, the only medical treatment CrossFit Rotherham will provide is first aid.
Participant agrees that any pictures, audio, or visual recordings taken of him/her in connection with the seminar can be used for publication, promotion, articles, shows and advertisement without additional consent and without compensation at this time or any other time.
I have read and understand this release and agreement and agree to its provisions. I am not under their influence of any drugs, alcohol, or other intoxicants. I am not suffering from any illness or incapacity. I am over 18 years of age. (If not over 18 years of age, parent or guardian must sign.)