Customer Signup
1. Discounted Rates
4 Weeks for $49 Plan
LIFT.Human EDUCATOR Group Unlimited - discount for Local Pre K-12 educators
LIFT.Human Young Professionals Group Unlimited (Discount for Ages 18-24 Only)
2. Group Strength Class Membership
LIFT.Human Group 3x per Week
LIFT.Human Group Unlimited
Sunday Olympic Lifting
3. Class Packs
LIFT.Human 20 Class Pack
LIFT.Human 30 Class Pack
LIFT.Human/Youth 10 Class Pack
4. Personal and Semi-Private Training
91. LIFT.Semi Private Training - 12 Sessions
5. Group Membership *AND* PT - SAVINGS!
Hybrid Lift.Human Group Unlimited + 1 PT/month - SAVE 5%
Hybrid Lift.Human Group Unlimited + 2 PT/month - SAVE 10%
6. Daily Drop In Rate
Drop In
Sunday Stretch with Adrien
7. Youth Training
LIFT.Youth Athlete 2x week
LIFT.Youth Athlete 3x Week
8. Team Training
LIFT Team Performance Program 1x per Week
LIFT Team Performance Program 2x per Week
LIFT Team Performance Program 3x per Week
GIFT CARD LIFT.Human Group 3x per Week