1. Introduction
1.1. Your membership policy covers those terms and conditions which govern your membership at In2Training so please make sure that you read them carefully and understand them. If you have any questions please e-mail
1.2. Your contract with In2Training starts from the date you complete the membership contract on WodBoard.
2. Types of Membership
2.1. We offer different types of memberships for individuals. The types of membership we offer are:
UPFRONT MEMBERSHIP: you commit to being a member for a specified period, an pay one upfront fee to cover your membership for that period. Upfront memberships are non-refundable.
MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP: you commit to being a member and paying the monthly fee for at either 1, 3 or 6 months, after this period your membership will automatically continue on based on your original contract membership selection, and if you wish to cancel you must do so in accordance with clause 6.4.
CLASS PACK MEMBERSHIP: you pay a fee upfront for a package of classes, which must be used on or before the expiry date of the class pack, which is non-refundable.
3. Membership Fees
3.1. The cost of your membership will depend on your chosen type of membership. Your monthly membership fees are set out on the Payment Plan Terms page on WodBoard.
3.2. Members who have had a continuous membership over periods where one or more price rises have been implemented, may be offered a discounted rate. This discount is offered at the discretion of In2Training. If the membership is cancelled, the discounted will not be applied to future memberships.
3.3. During your membership you must pay the fees whether you use the gym or not (unless you have frozen your membership).
3.4. When your membership ends and we have taken the final payment, you are responsible for cancelling any direct debit if relevant.
4. Payment Method
Unless you have chosen a Class Pack Membership package, all monthly fees must be paid in advance every month by direct debit or credit card, unless otherwise agreed.
Failure to pay
In the event of a failure to pay an instalment, or any other sum you owe to us, we will ask you to pay by cash, debit card or credit card and to give us your correct bank details. We may appoint a debt-collection agency to collect any payments you owe, and you may have to pay any costs associated with this, including court costs, or, we may choose to take the payment from your credit card or debit card using the credit card or debit card details you have given us.
5. Freezing membership
5.1. You may freeze your membership for between 1 and 12 calendar months for the following reasons only (for the avoidance of doubt, redundancy is not a valid reason to freeze a membership):
• Pregnancy;
• Illness or injury
To freeze your membership due to injury please first book an appointment with your coach to discuss which training adaptations may still be available to you. We retain the right to ask for a doctor’s certificate to show you are unable to train (please note maximum freeze period is 3 months);
and in all cases any request to freeze your membership must be made by email to, if relevant attaching the doctor's certificate requested.
Freezing memberships is at the discretion of management.
5.2. If we agree to freeze your membership we will do so from the first day of the following month. We cannot freeze it from an earlier date and will not refund monthly fees paid before the membership was frozen.
5.3. We will start your membership again, and start taking any direct debits, on the date you tell us you want your membership to start again.
5.4. We will not charge you membership fees while your membership is frozen. If you have chosen an Upfront Membership or Class Pack Membership, we will extend the deadline of membership expiry or for use of the classes by the number of full calendar months your membership has been frozen for. If we increase our prices during the period when your membership is frozen you may have to pay any new prices that apply to your membership type when your membership starts again.
6. Cancelling your membership
6.1. You may cancel your membership for any reason within 14 days of joining. If you choose to cancel within 14 days of joining (the "cooling off period") we will give you a full refund of any fees you have paid.
6.2. After the cooling off period, if you have paid any fees upfront and need to cancel your membership, we cannot refund any unused membership fees already paid. If you are unable to make use of your membership we advise first looking at the membership freeze options. Memberships cannot be transferred.
Cancelling an 'Upfront Membership'
6.3. Upfront membership fees paid to cover the duration of the membership are non-refundable. Cancellation of the membership will not result in any monies being refunded.
Cancelling a 'Pay Monthly Membership'
6.4. All 'Monthly Memberships' are billed on the 1st of the month. You can cancel a 'Monthly Membership' by giving no less than 30 days’ notice before your contract renewal date. When you cancel, your membership will run until the contract end date, and then not renew for the following month. If you give notice within 30 days of your contract end date, your membership will renew for the contracted period; a membership payment will be taken on the next billing date, and your membership will run to the end of the contract and then not renew.
6.5. To cancel your membership, please send an email to
Cancelling due to a change in monthly fee or a change to these terms and conditions.
6.6. If you are not happy with any change in the monthly membership fee or any change to these terms and conditions that apply to you, you must tell us, via an email sent to, that you are cancelling your membership because of the increased fee or change to these terms and conditions. You will still have to pay any increased fee until your membership ends, however, we will refund the difference between the old monthly fee and the increased monthly fee at the end of your membership.
7. Our rights to end the contract
7.1. We may cancel your membership by giving you one month's notice in writing. In these circumstances, we will refund any full months' fees that you have already paid.
7.2. We may end your membership at any time by writing to you if:
• you do not make any payment to us when it is due and you still do not make payment within 7 days of us reminding you that payment is due;
• you use offensive or abusive language, or use violent or offensive behaviour or if your behaviour puts our other members or employees at risk of death, illness, injury or other damage or loss; and
• you fail to obey the reasonable instructions of one of our coaches or employees, and as a result of such failure, you put yourself and/or our other members or employees at risk of death, illness, injury or other damage or loss, and/or risk damaging the gym equipment or facilities.
8. Our rights to make changes
8.1. We may, at any time chose to withdraw any type of membership or a payment option for new and existing members.
8.2. At any time we may change the membership fee by any amount we consider reasonable. We will tell you about any changes that will apply to your membership and will give you 30 days' notice before any change comes into effect.
8.3. We may make reasonable changes to these terms and conditions if the changes will benefit the majority of our members.
8.4. If you are not happy with any changes we make, you may cancel your membership in accordance with clause 6.6.
8.5. These terms and conditions replace any previous version.
9. Events Beyond our Control
9.1. If, for any reason we are unable to provide all the services and facilities at the gym for more than 30 consecutive days, due to reasons or events beyond our control, you or we can cancel your membership immediately after giving notice in writing.
9.2. By law, we do not have to pay you compensation in these circumstances.
9.3. Reasons or events beyond our control include: natural disasters, government actions, war, national or regional emergencies, acts of terrorism, protests, riot, fire, explosion, flood, epidemic, strike or other labour disputes (whether or not they relate to our work force), power cuts, delays affecting suppliers, and eviction from the premises operating the In2Training facilities.
10. Your contact details
We will send all club updates via email to the address you have given us on WodBoard. You must keep WodBoard up to date with any changes to your address or other contact details.
11. Our Responsibility for Loss or Damage Suffered by you
11.1. If we fail to comply with these terms and conditions, we are responsible for loss or damage you suffer that is a foreseeable result of our breaking this contract or our failing to use reasonable care and skill, but we are not responsible for any loss or damage that is not foreseeable. Loss or damage is foreseeable if either it is obvious that it will happen or if, at the time the contract was made, both we and you knew it might happen, for example if you discussed it with us during discussions before you decided to join.
11.2. Our liability to pay you compensation for loss or damage (other than death or personal injury) is limited to a reasonable amount taking into account of factors such as whether the damage was due to our negligence.
11.3. We do not exclude or limit in any way our liability to you where it would be unlawful to do so. This includes liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence or the negligence of our employees; or for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.
11.4. You should consult your GP before you start any new exercise program or class you attend.
11.5. We may make changes to the services we provide and we will give you notice of such changes. We will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by these changes unless the loss or damage is caused by our negligence.
11.6. We cannot accept liability for loss or damage to your property at the gym or any area used by you which is under our control unless that loss or damage was caused by our negligence.
12. Data protection
12.1. We will record any personal information you give us in line with the current data protection laws.
12.2. We will keep any clinical information you give us confidential and secure and only pass it to, or receive it from, those involved with your programme. By joining one of our membership options, you are giving us permission to share relevant information that relates to your health goals between members of our staff.
12.3. We may pass your personal information to a debit collection agency in the event you fail to pay your monthly fee.
12.4. It is important that we hold the most up-to-date contact details for you. You are responsible for keeping all your personal contact details and choices for how you want to receive marketing materials up to date.
13. Transferring the Contract
We may transfer our rights and obligations under these terms and conditions to another organisation. We will contact you to let you know if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer does not affect your rights under the contract. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us, via an email sent to, and end your membership within 14 days of us telling you about it and we will refund you any payments you have made in advance.
14. Alternative Dispute Resolution
Alternative dispute resolution is a process whereby an independent body considers the facts of a dispute and seeks to resolve it, without you having to go to court. If you are not happy with how we have handled any complaint, you can submit your complaint to the European Commission Online Dispute Resolution platform.
15. Choice of law
Your membership with us is governed by the laws of England and Wales.