General statement of program
Objectives and Procedures:
Group exercise training and Personal training:
I understand my training program will include exercises to build the cardio respiratory system, (heart and lungs), the musculoskeletal system, (which involves muscular endurance and strength and overall flexibility), and to improve body composition, (increasing muscle bone and decreasing body fat.)
Training at Talisman consists of a mixture of Olympic weightlifting, powerlifting, gymnastics, and HIIT cardio, when you become fitter and stronger, CrossFit workouts are accessible to everyone of any fitness level.
I understand that no exercise program is without inherent risks regardless of the care taken by a coach and that my personal safety cannot be guaranteed by my coach. I realise that when participating in any exercises, there is a slight chance of injury (e.g heart attack, stroke, or other cardiovascular accidents) or catastrophic incident (e.g. death, paralysis). Likewise, I know that engaging in muscular endurance, strength building, and other fitness activities sometimes results in minor injuries (e.g bruises, musculoskeletal strains and sprains), less frequent, more serious injuries (e.g muscle tears, herniated discs, torn rotator cuffs), and rarely catastrophic.
I understand that a regular exercise program has been shown to definite benefits which are listed below.
1. May improve physical strength. The high-intensity, multi-joint movements in CrossFit 2. May help you gain muscle strength and stamina.
3. May help you improve aerobic fitness.
4. Improve agility, balance, and flexibility.
5. Burn calories and manage weight.
I understand that it is my responsibility to fully disclose any health issues or medications that are relevant to participation in a strenuous exercise program.
Inform the coach and cease exercise and report promptly any unusual feelings, (e.g chest discomfort, nausea, difficulty breathing, apparent injury).
I have read and understand the above agreement; I have been able to ask questions regarding my concerns I might have; I have had those questions answered to my satisfaction; and I am freely signing this agreement, this agreement.